Return & Refund Policy

To Return a product's with your oder,you can go to the Return optiin of your my account option and also gel help on the what's app number with bill and your store name.

100% from us will refund your money via UPI or bank transfor or cash in 24 hours.

Remember what about

1.The product 's need's to be protected.

2.The product's need's to be unused and left with out any stain's and dirt. can only return your produts with in two month but it will be not accpted for more than over this time

4.three consccutive order's will be canccled and the retuned will actually block his ID.

5. If the product delivered from us is damaged, you can easily return it

6.Keep in mind that no change in product will be accepted at the time of return, in which case legal action may be taken by the customer within 24 hours.

***7*In case the product is not refunded on time, you should talk to our customer care after delivery of the product and return the product with proper proof.